Eight days later, he cut his first tooth, and yesterday, he officially started crawling (the real kind of crawling - no more inch-worming or army-crawlin'!)... Look out! He still stops every couple of feet to take a small break and lay on his tummy, but we can tell he improves his "technique" with each attempt. He looks like a little monkey.
Our boy sticks to caring most about a small selection of items and activities. Among them, nursing, sucking on his two fingers, ice and/or ice-pops, baths, dancing (ha!), being outside, supported standing and walking, and most of all, Mommy. He is a Mama's Boy for sure. It's actually been kind of difficult for Flint to share his love with other people, particularly if Mommy is around because Mommy totally trumps everyone else. Most of the time even Daddy. And even Grandma, which is a big deal... cause she's the main spoiler!
We've had a lot of success adopting the "Baby Wise" sleeping patterns. Flint has been so much easier to get down than Lyla ever was. It may have something to do with the fact the he hasn't once slept in our bed with us (Lyla still crawls in bed with us in the middle of the night almost every night). Right now, Flint has a consistent feeding and sleeping schedule and it has helped him learn to go to sleep on his own (mostly) and sleep through the night. He typically goes down around 9pm and gets up some time between 6:30 and 7:30am. A lot of the time, I can just lay him in his crib and he'll go to sleep independently, sometimes after a little bit of cooing and babbling. Sometimes I sway and snuggle him a little bit and help him get close to sleep. I am toying with the idea of dropping his 8:45 feeding and seeing if that would help him go to bed earlier. Here's hoping that it doesn't cause him to wake up in the middle of the night again.
I always thought people were crazy to say that #2 is much easier. I know what they mean, now, though. It's not that it's easier having two kids. That is definitely not easier. But the second child is a lot less stressful than the first just because of the advantage on the learning curve. The amount of worry is significantly decreased. He spit up? Burp cloth -go. He's crying? He's tired. Put him in his crib. What's that horrendous squealing noise? Ah. Remove Lyla from the scene. Hopefully, Flint will continue to be an easy-going kind of guy because of it.
No, but really, Flint adores his sister. She is his #1 source of comedy relief. All his great giggles stem from something dumb she is doing. Bouncing around, shaking her hair from side to side, fake-sneezing, making raspberries, spraying Maya with the hose. We can dance around like maniacal idiots and baby-talk at ridiculous volumes til the cows come home and he'll appease us with a meager smirk. But send in the three-year-old clown and he'll belt out the belly laughs. The best is the noise he makes when he inhales after laughing. It's that raspy kind of sound you'd expect to hear from an old man after he's chuckled so hard he lost his breath. Adorable.
Well, it's Mother's Day and I have been "off duty" all morning. What have I done with my time? Blogged about my children. And Luke has just come in to inform me that he went to get Flint out of his crib and the boy had both hands on the frame and was trying to pull up. I guess we have another milestone to await just around the corner!
Watch Flint grow Here!
Too sweet! I love that you do this, what an awesome way to share so much joy!