Weight: 26.5 lbs.
Height: 32 in.
You read that right. According to Dr. Dickey, that's about the size of an average 2-year old. Her head measured about the size of an average 3-year old. That's just how smart she is.
She had 2 shots, and although that's less than half of what we're used to, it was probably the worst vaccination session thus far. She's just so much more aware of things... she cried a horrible, traumatized cry. You know, the one where you can't catch your breath - it's not a full cry because you're just so shocked at what's occurred? Yeah, that's the one. It went on for around 5 minutes before Mommy calmed her down via distraction. Hooray for counting on Lily Leap!
We've been keeping busy (aka staying away from our boring, unclean house) mostly by keeping wet. In the last week, we've been to a local water park, Grandma's pool (x4 or 5), a local city pool, and of course, the little pool in the backyard. Lyla is a fan of her-size waterslides and shallow water she can wade in on her own (Miss Independent?).
In our backyard, having fun with the hose.
Chillin' at the local city pool. She's so cool.
Today, we went with Kerry to the Grapevine Botanical Gardens. Lyla loved exploring the beautiful gardens and playing on the playground. She tried to pick a strawberry in the herb garden and delighted in feeding the koi in the pond. We had a picnic lunch in the shade in an attempt to stay cool and Lyla played in the water fountain, ensuring complete clothing saturation.
At the Botanical Gardens: