Monday, February 22, 2010

February Features (Part Two)

Today, we took Lyla to Cooks Children's for a bilateral myringotomy. Yes, I wanted to be fancy and use the medical term for "tubes in both ears." I had been fretting about it since we made the appointment, not sure if we were maybe making this decision too soon, but she has been sick an awful lot this year, and I don't think daycare is to blame 100%. Her consultation was last Monday with the ENT (ear, nose, throat) doctor, who recommended the procedure after reviewing her history. There was an opening just a week later, so we signed up and put her on another round of antibiotics to clear the ear infection she was just starting (only 2 days after being off antibiotics).

So, we arrived at the hospital at 6:45 and Lyla got dressed in a gown, did all her pre-op excitement, etc. After a short wait, I went back with her to get a squirt of sedative up her lil nose and within five minutes, she was relaxed and content. The nursing staff there were fabulous, obviously very experienced with trying to keep kids happy during scary ordeals like this; they blew bubbles for her while she was getting dopey and let her hold all the instruments they used. She had no problem riding the "choo choo" (aka the gurney) back to surgery. The actual procedure was only about ten minutes and Dr. Roberge came out to let me know she did well, however her ears were a complete mess (ah, reassurance that we truly needed to do this for her), and only two days after completing an antibiotic (once again).

After another ten minutes or so, we went back to recovery, where our girl was stirring and groggy. She had a Popsicle and some juice shortly afterward and when she was coherent and perky, we were sent on our way. Easy enough! We spent the day at Grandma and Grandpap's house "recovering" (me, mostly, from my lack of sleep - Lyla was back to normal within an hour). All in all a positive experience and hopefully this will help her stay healthy!!

Unfortunately, the only photos we got of Lyla during her surgery experience are on my phone, which can't be uploaded. I guess there are some occasions I don't tote my camera to!

February Features

Happy Valentine's Day!

Just like last year, this year we made some heart-shaped pancakes for breakfast to celebrate Valentine's Day. This is about all we do to "celebrate." This year, though, Lyla helped, which was a special treat for Momma. She loved stirring and attempted flipping (with some hand-over-hand assistance). Mostly, she just liked eating them, though. No surprises, there!

Next year, we may have to brainstorm a few more creative and eventful ideas since she'll really be catching on. Until then, though, Luke and I generally prefer to stick to the sidelines on this "holiday," and pancakes are harmless. We'd have eaten some anyway!

In addition to being our #1 sweetheart, she is blowing us away with how much her little sponge brain soaks up, and how adorable she can be, especially when she doesn't really think anyone is watching. Normally, she clams up when I get out the camera, or she stops doing her cute-thing because she wants to use the camera to watch previous footage. I discovered, though, that these rules don't apply in the bathtub. And so, friends and family, here is our dear Lyla uncut and being her typical self. Video is password protected due to nekkid babyness. For eyes of close friends and family only!

Fun in the Tub! from Emily Quattrochi on Vimeo.

Friday, February 12, 2010

Snow Day(s)!

This winter has been crazy! Just when we were blissfully bragging about the bright, sunny winter weather of late, we get hit with another snowstorm. This storm, however, has been much more welcome and pleasant than the icy mess of Christmas Eve. This storm has left us with beautiful piles of soft white snow, perfect for rolling into snowballs and snowmen!

Lyla was so excited to see flurries falling Thursday morning, and I was sad we all had to go to our separate ways for the day. Grandma picked Lyla up from school early, though, and informed me that her class went out in the snow to build a snowman, so I was happy she got to play in it. I didn't think it'd be around for long. I stand corrected, though, as the foot-deep of fluffy white still blankets our front yard and all of North Texas classes have been canceled. So, Lyla and I have been cozied up at home together, occasionally darting outside to play in the snow.
Last night, we built a snowman with Daddy (ie, I built a snowman while Mr. Gloveless and Miss Snoweater watched). Oh but how ill-prepared we were, with only a scarf at the ready and a mere baby carrot for a nose! Some pebbles and mulch pieces from the yard had to suffice for the eyes, mouth and buttons, and the poor guy had to go armless. BUT! For the first time in Q Household History, there is a snowman adorning our crispy white front lawn!

Hot chocolate immediately followed (of course), which greatly pleased our girl, who snuggled up to Daddy for her sweet treat, marshmallows included.

The next day (today) we went back out to play and saw that our snowman had grown a little overnight with the few inches more that fell while we were sleeping. Lyla got a kick out of the crunching beneath her feet as she plowed through the front yard, snow up to her thighs. She's too little to know just what to do, and has no context to pull from. So other than Mommy's snowman and the snowballs made and handed to her, the only other thing she could think to do with the snow was, well, eat it. And it turns out, she very much enjoyed that.

Monkeying Around!

Last month (yeah, yeah... so I should have posted this last month), Lyla and I took a special trip to the zoo with our good friends Joe and Michelle, and their little boy, Aidan. One might think January is an absurd time to visit the zoo, however, Texas weather is crazy... as we will discuss further in my post to follow this one.

It's almost been a year since Lyla's last trip to the zoo (on her first birthday!) and this time she was much more aware, informed and verbal. Her favorite part, just like mine, was the orangutans. We were able to watch them for awhile as we waited to meet up with our buddies. She loved watching them monkey around and continues to ask to watch the video we took of them that day.

We attempted to feed the birds in the aviary like last year, but we were less successful. They even warned us not to bother because the birds were full and disinterested. It was still cool for my girl to get up close to them, though.

She got to ride the zoo train this time, too, which may have been her (other) favorite part. If you're under age 8, I think trains may qualify as one of the neatest things ever.

We finished up our zoo tour with some ice cream and a little playtime. Lyla and Aidan flirted a little, finally warming up to each other. Of course, Lyla talked about Aidan and the zoo for weeks afterward, even though she hardly spoke a word to him while we were there. Silly, shy toddlers!

What a beautiful, relaxing and fun-filled day! If only every winter day were so warm and bright!
As always, the rest of the pics can be seen at my Picasa.