Sunday, January 25, 2009

Quattrochi's Relocate to Blogspot

Hey all! As difficult as our previous website was, we decided to just start blogging. We understand you'll now be able to comment (just for you Kristin!) and since it's so much simpler to use, I will probably manage to post more frequently.

Lyla hit 10 months on the 19th! Yikes! We can't believe she's almost a year old. She is walking everywhere. Seriously - everywhere! The only time she is not walking is when she's crawling toward something to pull up on so that she can walk. When she figures out how to free-stand, there won't be much to slow her down. She is also cutting tooth #7 and signing up a storm. Her most recent sign is "book," which looks completely adorable. Instead of opening her hands and keeping them together like an actual book, she opens them out to the side of her body, more closely resembling a circus performer at that "ta-da" moment. Cute. She is playing peek-a-boo and pat-a-cake regularly as well, although peek-a-boo for Lyla is more like hear-a-boo, since she covers her ears instead of her eyes. Not sure what that's about, but it's precious.

I still have to get January pictures uploaded, including New Year... once I get them on the computer I'll be sure to post some!
