Saturday, February 28, 2009

Our Goofball Girl!

We have one goofy little girl. We were able to capture some of her clowning around on tape, this time. Here is our silly goose playing with the pets:

Lyla is cutting her 8th tooth, which should be her last one for a while. Once again, we're lucky that she seems unfazed by the ordeal.

Monday morning was Lyla's last boob meal - we are officially done nursing. The goal was to make it to one year, as per pediatrician recommendation. Well, we got to 11 1/2 months. Go us! It was a bittersweet moment for Mommy, obviously, but necessary. We were down to one feeding/day for a while and Lyla didn't seem to care one way or the other. So, it was a good indication that it was time to move on, despite my urge to cling to the emotional/bonding component. Next month, we'll start shifting from formula to cow's milk.

Our little girl has somehow developed into a social butterfly. Whenever we are in public, she makes it a point to observe each and every person around her, and if anyone's in close enough proximity, she waves to them and flashes a flirty smile. We crack up, along with whoever it is she's entertaining. We're not quite sure where she gets it from, but it's sweet and cute. Also adorable, her little growly noise and "ladehladeh" nonsense she babbles when playing. Just now, she sneaked into the office and startled me with a, "Graaa!" while I was typing What a little ham we have!



  1. mac and I have now also added ladehladeh to our vocabularies

  2. All i can say to that is Laledglhahgglllahh.
