Friday, January 14, 2011

Wrapping up the Holidays...


Luke and I got a special treat on New Year's Eve. Nonna watched the two bambinos while we went to the Stars game with Mia and Les. We watched the Canucks massacre the Stars from the lovely Dr. Pepper suite, enjoying cold beers, Tex-Mex and cookies. After the disappointing loss, we wandered through Victory (or lack of?) Park to see what the Dallas New Year's party was all about, but ultimately decided to head back to Nonna's to ring in 2011 with our darlings.

January 1st was "Q-Christmas" and we were super surprised to find out only a few days prior that Papa Sam would be able to make it! We headed out to Garland in the afternoon and caught up with all the Quattrochi's for catered dinner, traditional Q-punch (oh-so-yummy!), presents, and a game of "Battle of the Sexes." Lyla had lots of fun freaking her mother out by standing on a chair and leaning over the upstairs half-wall to peer downstairs while the other kids sniped us with Nerf darts. Flint had lots of cuddles from family - some meeting him for the first time.

After some quality party-time, though very much muted compared to years past (due to several cases of "Day-After-New-Years-Eve-Party"), Papa grabbed a ride with us back to our house (which still looked like a North Pole explosion) and slept in Lyla's flowery garden bed, much to her delight (free night in Mommy's bed!).

The following day, the Wises came by and hung out at our place to get in some Papa Sam time. The kids (and a few of the "grown-ups") had some fun with Lyla's present from Aunt Tammy, who very clearly does not have children and doesn't have to clean up kid-made messes. (Thanks, again, Tammy).

On such a lovely day, we couldn't stay couped up indoors for long. Lyla showed her cousins how stellar she is on her new bike, and showed Papa her favorite place in the neighborhood to go with Mommy and Daddy. At the creek, she demonstrated her superb rock selecting and throwing abilities. She and Anthony teamed up with Papa to chuck some super-big stones into the mucky water.

Our time with Papa was soon over, though, as he took the Wise clan to see a movie and then spend the night at Great-Grandma's. Our own Q clan stayed home to recuperate from the weeks of madness we've come to know as "Christmas..."

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