Monday, June 13, 2011

The Boy

The boy is crawling everywhere. Fast. Turn away from him for even a moment and he's in the kitchen splashing in the dog's water bowl, or pulling up to peak in the bathtub. Oh, yeah. That's the other thing - he's pulling up! Also fast. Which leads me to the next thing... he's starting to cruise. Now, if you're like my husband and you don't know what "cruising" is (which means you're looking at me like I'm crazy and also rude for using terms which are obviously made-up), it means he's walking while holding onto furniture, walls, etc. It's also indicitive of his more recent obsession with holding onto our fingers while he speed walks all over the place. Not so fun on the back, but this is where being short scores Mommy bonus points. Wait, or does it?

He's also babbling lots of consonant-vowel sounds (like nah-nah-nah, deh-deh-deh, bah-beh-baiou, etc.), slobbering plenty, playing with his lips and tongue while vocalizing ('cause that makes for all kinds of insanely adorable sounds, and he knows it), demanding food more and more, breast-feeding less and less, banging toys on surfaces, taking baths in the big tub (sometimes with big sister), handling bites of actual real food, splashing in the pool, whining lots for Mommy's attention, and using his thumb and index finger to pincer-grasp small objects (countless small objects... which end up in his mouth a lot of the time - eek!).

Before we know it, we'll have a toddler. And to think, we just grew out of one!

1 comment:

  1. It occurs to me we need some video of this kid crawling other than his first few crawls! We'll get some and get it tacked on to this post asap.
