Wednesday, February 16, 2011

Snow! Then More Snow!

We got snow in January... then we got MORE snow in February. And then... more snow. The first February snow was a lot more substantial than our previous flurries. However, the temperature was just faaaaar too uncomfortably cold to stay outside and play.

We tried a few times, but only lasted a few minutes. So to meet both our needs to play in something oh-so fun and to be warm and cozy, Mommy brought the snow INside!

It was a big hit, though certainly not long-term. Lyla spent most of her snow-play opportunity on snow-consumption, while I built "Jimmy, the Indoor Snowman." She got a kick out of him, and we let him look through the window at the world from whence he came (and longed to return to!). As he melted more and more and Lyla continued to fail at following directions to "stooooooop eeeeeating the snow," he was reunited with his powdery buddies on the patio. Much to Lyla's dismay.

Since it seemed her main desire was to munch on the snow, we then decided to make snow "ice cream." So simple, quick and fun! We scooped about 6 cups of clean snow into a bowl, then added some milk, sugar and vanilla extract. I was surprised to discover it wasn't half bad! In the end, I think Lyla preferred just plain old snow, but it didn't stop us from experimenting with food color (pink!) and other flavors (chocolate!). It was above all else, a small amount of entertainment while we were stuck inside (yet again!)...

Just as soon as we thought we were rid of the ice and snow, another storm blew through! This time, though, more fluffy snow accumulated than dangerous ice, and temperatures were a more comfortable level of freezing, so we got to play outside a lot more! Lyla shoveled snow into buckets with her neighborhood buddy, we threw snowballs, tried to make snow angels and ate plenty more snow. She tried sledding down the sidewalk in a Rubbermaid bin, but it didn't work so well...

As the road conditions improved, we trekked the four miles out to Shannon's house to do some REAL sledding down her backyard hill. Lyla really enjoyed going fast down the hill and experimented with all the riding buddy combinations and sliding solo. I *loved* hearing her screams of delight!

Even Flint joined in the fun. Very, very briefly...

Daddy joined us as soon as he got done working for the day, and very soon afterward, we all pooped out!

So long, snow! We enjoyed you while we could! (But we're also very glad to welcome the sun back into our lives...).

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